Restoration Life Church Mission

Welcome to the Podcast ministry of LaMont A. Williams, Lead Pastor of Restoration Life Church. Listen and be transformed by the power of God's Word.
For more information, visit

We also invite you to join us on Sunday Mornings at 11:00 @
1336 South 336th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hope For A New Season by Pastor LaMont Williams

(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

In a day were many find it hard to place hope in marriage, airlines and family, we can be assured of a hope that will never fail. 
Jeremiah 29:10-11
God knows what he Has planned for us, but will you trust Him.
Be Inspired of this Hope!!

We invite you to join us on Sunday Mornings at 11:00am 
at 1336 South 336th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 

 ~ Podcast powered by Genuine Life Media

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Serving an Unchanging God in an ever-changing world by Pastor LaMont

(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

Joshua 1:1-2  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
The two constants in life are God and change.
The death of seasons that may occur in your life, in order for God to speak to us!
Do you see the change going on in your life?

We invite you to join us on Sunday Mornings 
at 11:00am at 1336 South 336th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 

 ~ Podcast powered by Genuine Life Media

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Embracing the Change pt 2 by Pastor LaMont Williams

(To hear this sermon, click on the title directly above)

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
How do we rebuke the thought processes that prevents us from walking and embracing change. 
No matter who you are Life will happen to you as well, so God can get the glory out of your life.
When going through change ask God what are you trying to teach me.

We invite you to join us on Sunday Mornings at 11:00am 
Located at 1336 South 336th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003

 ~ Podcast powered by Genuine Life Media